
Technical University of Crete

tuc_logo_enThe Technical University of Crete was founded in 1977 in Chania and welcomed its first students in 1984. Spanning five Engineering Schools – production engineering & management, mineral resources engineering, electronic & computer engineering, environmental engineering, architectural engineering – and corresponding postgraduate and doctoral study program that cover a wide range of the engineering science, the Technical University of Crete offers an education that is of the highest standards and recognized status. The mission of the TUC is to develop modern specializations that emphasize research and high tech sectors and in close cooperation with industry and other production organizations in Greece.

The Technical University of Crete is particularly active in conducting basic and applied research. The research policy of the Technical University of Crete focuses on the basic, technological or applied research that promotes science and growth and respects the academic ethics, and at the same time promotes the cooperation with international organizations and educational and research institutions.

The Project is carried out by the Industrial and Energy Systems Control Laboratory ( of the School of Production Engineering and Management, under the directory of Professor Anastasios Pouliezos and with the cooperation of Assistant Professor Spiros Papaefthimiou.

Organization for the Development of Crete S.A.

logoOAKenThe Organization for the Development of Crete S.A. (O.A.K. S.A.) was founded in 2013 through the merger of OADYK (Organization for the Development of Western Crete, founded in 1979), OANAK (Organization for the Development of Eastern Crete) and the public authorities (EYDE BOAK, EYDE Aposelemi). The O.A.K. S.A. is a Governmental Organization, supervised by the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. The Organization is based in Chania, having departments in Heraklio, Rethymno and Lasithi.

The responsibilities of O.A.K. S.A. are the studding, planning, constructing & managing of:

  • The Trans- European road network of Crete. OAK SA has the responsibility of the development, maintenance and management of North (ΒΟΑΚ) and South (ΝΟΑΚ) Road Network of Crete.
  • The Hydraulic Infrastructures (Dams, reservoirs and water treatment plants) Three dams, with total capacity up to 50 mill. m3 (dam of Aposelemi in Heraklio with capacity 27.1 mill. m3, dam of Potamon in Rethymnon with capacity 22.5 mill. m3 and the dam of Valsamioti in Chania with capacity of 6 mill. m3), the Reservoir of Agios Georgios in Lasithi with capacity of 2.15 mill. m3, more than 15 small tanks with total capacity 230.000 m3 and two water treatment plants (Dramia and Heraklio) have been constructed and functioning under the supervision of the Organization.
  • The water supply – irrigation networks of Crete. The project of former OADYK “Integrated Water Resources Management of Western Crete” has been expanded with the water networks of Eastern Crete. The networks of OAK SA include: 430 km mains and distribution irrigation networks in Western Crete (irrigation area of 135.000 ha) and water supply network 70 km in Eastern Crete (Water supply for 264.000 residents and 125.000 hotel beds). OAK SA distributes annually 45 million m3 water, through the water network, with about 28 pump stations and many water drillings.

Furthermore it supports the development of the countryside through projects and Community Initiatives (Leader of Western Crete, Rural Development Programs, Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) of Western Crete).

Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration

igme_enInstitute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), is the major geological research organization in Greece. It is the official geological survey of Greece. It is a Legal Entity of Private Law, supervised by the Ministry of Environment and Energy. It is the official adviser of the Greek State on geo-sciences, minerals and energy raw materials.

Its activity started in 1952. In nowadays, it employs 204 technicians and scientists covering a broad field of geo-scientific activities. For more than 60 years IGME has contributed to the country’s growth and social welfare in terms of evaluating and securing the sustainable use of natural resources (water, geothermal energy, soils, ore deposits and minerals).

Main aim of I.G.M.E. is the geological study of terrestrial and underwater areas of the country, the exploration and evaluation of mineral and energy raw materials and the study and evaluation of groundwater resources. The object is realized in accordance with the general guidelines to be established by the supervising minister under the mining policy of the Government.

IGME participates in European Research and Development programs and in European and Regional projects co-financed by the Structural Funds, covering all fields of geological/mining and partially environmental sciences. It conducts public and contract-based services in basic geological research, exploration and evaluation of mineral deposits, geothermal fields, hydrogeological surveys, geochemical and geotechnical studies, environmental control and monitoring and special studies on safe disposal sites for industrial and domestic solid wastes.

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania

maich_logoThe Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) is an educational and research foundation, focusing on Mediterranean agriculture. It is located in Chania, Crete and is one of the four agronomic institutes of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM). The institute is functioning on six different axes:

  • Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Competitiveness of Agro-market businesses.
  • Centre for Management and Protection of the Natural Environment.
  • Entre for the Quality, Health and Security of Fresh and Processed Rural products: a) Management of Food Quality and Chemistry of Natural Products, b) Sustainable Production of Rural Products.
  • Applied centre for Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology: a) Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology of Rural Products, b) Natural Products and Biotechnology.
  • Centre for the development of information systems support.
  • Centre for vertically organised conference services.

In this project the departments of Geoinformation in Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture are involved.

Regional Development Fund of Crete

Logo2The Regional Development Fund of Crete (RDFC) is a private legal entity of public interest, established by the Greek State in 1998 .The Regional Development Fund of Crete undertook an important role in the implementation of an innovative institution, which aims to support the country’s Regions and the process of Decentralization and Local Government.

RDFC is a powerful development tool, with flexible and effective response to the challenges of development at regional, national and European level by:

  • making efficient use of regional, national and European funds
  • by applying modern methods of management, organization and administration
  • by supporting the development targets of the Region of Crete and the services for the citizens.

Goals and Objectives of the Regional Development Fund of Crete

  • The credit management of the public investment program – NSRF and national part – and funding coming from the European Union programs related to regional and specific development programs in the Region of Crete.
  • The provision of services, applied research and surveys and the preparation of development studies.
  • Support of the development planning of Region of Crete with studies, surveys, and program/project management and operations for faster and more efficient use of resources.
  • The development, participation and implementation of European Projects/programs.

The Regional Development Fund of Crete has managed a total of 105 competitive European programs and it has participated in the implementation many of them. The successful management and implementation of competitive European programs to attract new additional financial resources in Crete helping to create new jobs and new activities and applying know-how and promoting innovation.

Today within the Regional Development Fund of Crete operates the Regional Energy Agency of Crete

The Regional Energy Agency of Crete is the first Greek regional energy center and the first in Europe.

Specifically, the objectives of the Energy Centre Region of Crete are:

  • Regional Energy Policy: Contribution to its formulation in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders and in accordance with national and European policy on energy and climate
  • Design and implementing of multifaceted energy policy and programming that combines conventional energy sources with renewable energy sources, Rational Energy Use and Saving of Energy, sustainable transport, energy innovation and combating of climate change.
  • Systematic support and attracting investments in the energy sector
  • Participation in European and national energy programs and networks.
  • Dissemination-Information-Promotion: Programs, projects, technologies, applications of Renewable Energy Sources of Rational Use and Energy Savings and energy – environment / suitable transport / combating –adaptation and resilience of climate change / Innovation / Best practices and success stories / Entrepreneurship etc.





Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης


Technical University of Crete
School of Production Engineering and Management
University Campus, Akrotiri, 73100 Chania

Tel: +30 28210 37428
E-mail: email1,